Tuesday, 30 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 30

 Re-cap anything maid related that happened to you over the past 30 Days outside of this challenge! <3

I decided to go to Yorkshire cosplay con in my maid uniform. That will be the first time wearing it in public. Since we haven't had an event yet. 


Monday, 29 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 29

Why did you decide to start the ’30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge’? What have you gained from it?

So I could look at this in a year and see how I've changed. Since I've only started in my maid cafe, I'm sure a lot of change are to come. 


Sunday, 28 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 28

How do you explain Maid Cafes to people outside the fan base? Are there any informative videos or sites you show them?

I normally show them hello batty and explain it as like a kids restaurant where they dress up as cartoons.
But an adult and cuter version. 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 27

What is your favorite maid cafe experience?

Ive never been to one sadly, so i would say being in one.

Meeting these people who have similar interests and views. They are always sweet people as well. Witch is awesome!!

Friday, 26 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 26

What is a dream you have for a maid cafe?

That my cafe can have its own building, so we can decorate it and take care of it!! 

Thursday, 25 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 25

What  hobbies do you have outside of the maid cafe world that you would like to use together?

 Cosplaying, making cosplay, doing make-up, photography and video editing etc. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 24.

What anime do you think needs a maid character? Or which anime character do you want to see as a maid?

Patty from soul eater. 

That would be so cute.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 23

What is the one favorite gleaming thing about the world of maid cafes that you like more than anything else?

 I love the sense of family. Spending time, doing what you love with people you can talk to. 
Its so fun.

Monday, 22 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 22

What is one souvenir you wish you could take from a cafe? Even things you know you can’t take normally are eligible for this question.

The outfits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 21 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 21

Share some of your favorite photos from cafes and art of maids!

My top three are!
No3: My Maid Cafes Logo

No2: My Co-Workers Awesome Art!

 No1: ABI-POP IN JAPAN!! (I love Abi's videos!!) 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 20

Links to your favorite Maid Blogs or Sites

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 19

A picture of your maid collection. Photos, Prizes, Figurines, Books, Uniforms. Whatever you have that has to do with Maid Cafes! (a day late)

I'm too poor for figures and such, so all i have is my work outfit!