Sunday, 31 May 2015

Im going to start the 30 day maid cafe challenge!

I am starting the 30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge Tomorrow. 

So i will be posting about maid cafes for 30 days straight, as well as my usual stuff. 

I hope everyone likes what i post and enjoys reading it!!


Saturday, 30 May 2015

30 Day Maid Cafe Challenge: Day 3

Which Maid is your favorite? Which café does she work in? What do you like about her?
Oh I don't know?!! Too many to choose from, but maid dreaming is still my favourite cafe.

I normal like shy and clumsy, because I'm both those things. ♡♡
- 💙kumo💙

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Hi Guys! ♡♡♡


Call me Kumo. 

I live in Scotland and I work in a maid cafe.

I love lolita and kawaii fashion.

I will be posting about that here and hope you enjoy it.
